I cannot deny it! it is true, we did do a presentation on Sex Positions.
Yup you read it right =]
[!! S.E.X P.O.S.I.T.I.O.N.S. !!] lol.
HAH, Gawd it was Funny As A Person ROFL-ING!!!
We could not stop laughing the whole way.
Well i came in late from mornings class. we ate breakfast && all that.
So i went in late due to things i needed to do.
But the lecturers are really kewl about it.
though it is still a bad thing.
So yes, i went into class, not picking my partners.
i had no option but to go to the team with less members in it.
i so wished i could have chosen a team then i would not have presented on SEX POSITIONS!
but honestly it was hilarious && plus i made even more friends.
i was pretty worth it.
but it was a 40 second presentation.
so it was not all that bad.
poor lecturuer, he is like the only MALE in our class.
you see, we have been split into 2 different groups.
due to our Major Number in Students, but it was mostly girls.
so poor lecturer Anan, age: 28, a Tall, Dark, Handsome, though indian,
but sadly married,
or at least we think he is?
Or so he portrays. he never likes giving out secrets,
he is our Information to Technology lecturer, but looks nothing like a computer nerd! lol.
but he is sure as hell fun to laugh with && he is able to put up with our,
well their lame, corny, cheesy jokes.
i hardly want to do anything to the poor fellow.
apparently he gets it in every class.
Girls fall for him fast! grrr-rawr! lol.
But i'm probably the only girl that doesn't want t notice him.
Maybe that's why i get all the attention from him! ew.
imagine, during exam hours,
like our Mid-Term exams, when it is supposed to be quiet
peacefulness && all, up to the point where you can hear a pin dropping on the floor.
or so they say. He knew what we were going to be like a Fish Market xD.
So he insisted that we SHUT UP! or fail (F).
which reminds me of our Economics lecturer,
now he is a blur case.
he confuses me for another Michelle
&& can not seem to tell the difference every time i walk into class,
thinking i am supposed to be in another clas time.
Hello? schedule says this time, me come this time . =] Ka-peesh?
Okay out of the topic there, so yes back to my story of the handsome lecturer Anan.
He gets taunted && interrogated by every girl in the room.
So during finals, girl pop out question like.
Sir, are you wearing Daviddoff Perfume?!
Sir, you shoe size is 10 right?!
Sir, you like movies?
Sir, are you really married?
Sir, Your pants size is 34 right?
Sir, you bough your pants from Jusco right?
Sir, you shirt is from seed right?
bla bla bla.. etc.
In every 2 minutes!
My.. wonder how he takes it in every class?
So yes, while we were doing our presentation.
All the girls were staring t him.
&& he was basically laughing along
&& blushing. haha, or so we think.
yup, that's all i have today.
Write next time.
see ya'll
Thanks for reading =) ~