
Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm IN!!!! i'm IN I'm IN i'm IN!!! ~

Holy Mother of Pearl!!
This is like my most happiest day!!!
[!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I GOT INTO [[[ECU]]] PERTH AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
More happier than when i got into TAYLORS College University.
Can you imagine, i would have gone to Adelaide
The most "boring" or so i have heard, place in australia.
if i would have stayed  in Taylors
no telling what may happen.
I would have probably regretted something.
Because i kind of got bored in taylors.
Everyone was so FAKE!
yup, well, not everyone, i did find some good people.
Oh well, let's see where this journey take me to now.
I hope it's a good one. =)